Thursday, October 27, 2022

CMS guidance regarding Employee vaccination dating 10-26-22.

This link outlines what I think is the newest CMS guidance regarding Employee vaccination dating 10-26-22.  

1.  100% of employees should be vaccinated. 
2.  If 100% of employees are not vaccinated then 
----have a plan in place to mitigate COVID transmission, 
----a process for vax exemptions, 
----a process to educate employees,
----and all of your other infection control ducks in a row. 
3.  Make a "Good faith effort" to do these things. 
4.  Surveyors will be looking to see that you have processes in place for all of the infection control recommendations mentioned in the attached  "Long-Term Care and Skilled Nursing Facility Attachment A - Revised."
5.  Hospice also has requirements and those are attached. You may need to consider reviewing their documentation of their processes to ensure that they are in compliance as well.  If they are not in compliance, then you are not in compliance.  

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