Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Influenza Update 10-12-22

 Dr. Gahm from Denver is our regional Influenza guru and I generally follow his guidance on when to vaccinate.  He has noted that influenza is starting to be seen nationally and it looks like an early and fairly rapid increase in cases.  He expects to see it in Colorado in the next 2-3 weeks, so he is recommending that we go ahead and give the vaccine if we have it.   

Texas already has high influenza activity and we have surrounding states with low to moderate activity now (see below).

It looks like it may be an early influenza season.  Hopefully, it's a short one.  
I was definitely off by 2-3 weeks this year and I apologize for that. I think that we should target having everyone vaccinated by the end of October, if possible.  

I apologize for the change in guidance but we're at the mercy of the data, unfortunately.  

On a positive note, some of you might be able to combine your influenza and covid booster clinics.  



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