Monday, December 19, 2022

Study Comparing Surgical and N95 Masks Sparks Concern

Medical Masks Versus N95 Respirators for Preventing COVID-19 Among Health Care Workers : A Randomized Trial - PubMed (

"The confidence intervals around this, that is, what the possible results could be if the trial was repeated many times, range from −2.5% to 4.9%," he told Medscape. "This means that the risk of a COVID-19 infection in those using the medical masks could have ranged from anywhere from 2.5% reduction in risk to a 4.9% increase in risk. Readers and policy makers can decide for themselves about this."

Dr. Shepherd opinion ----  A CI that crosses zero typically means that the predictor has NO relationship with the response.  The study did not, likely, have enough subjects to determine if there is a causal relationship.  In this case, I would not change my opinion or practice based on this study. 

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